Recycling is an increasingly important practice in our society, and in municipalities like Denia, its positive impact is undeniable. But what is recycling and what are its benefits for our community? Find out bel

What is recycling?


Recycling is the process of converting used materials into new products, thus avoiding the waste of natural resources and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. In Dénia, this practice has become fundamental in waste management, with selective collection and citizen awareness programs that you can consult in Viu i conviu.


Benefits of recycling for Dénia


There are at least five benefits of recycling for Dénia. Read on to learn more about them.

Conservation of natural resources


Recycling reduces the need to extract and process new materials, which helps conserve our natural resources and preserves local ecosystems.

Pollution reduction


By recycling, we reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, which reduces soil, air and water pollution. This contributes to maintaining a cleaner and healthier environment for all the inhabitants of Denia.


Generating employment

The recycling industry creates local jobs in the collection, sorting and treatment of recyclable materials, which benefits our city’s economy and promotes sustainable development.


Energy savings


Recycling materials such as paper, glass and plastic requires less energy than producing new products from raw materials. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.


Promoting environmental awareness


Recycling promotes environmental education and individual responsibility for how we dispose of our waste.

How can we contribute?


We can all collaborate in the recycling effort in Denia. Separating waste at home according to its type, using the appropriate recycling containers and reducing the consumption of single-use products are some simple but effective ways to do our part.

Sometimes, it can be complicated to differentiate what waste should be deposited in each of the containers that we find in our municipality. Below, we provide you with a list of the waste corresponding to each one of them.


Yellow container


Inside the yellow container, we must deposit: plastic bottles and containers, metallic containers, briks and wooden containers.

It is logical to think that all the objects that are made with plastic and that are no longer of use to us, go to the yellow container, but it is not always like that. Only the above mentioned items should be deposited in the yellow container.



Source of information: Ecoembes.


Blue container azul


Only paper and cardboard boxes should be deposited in the blue container: food packaging, footwear, frozen products, wrapping paper, everyday paper, etc.

A little trick to save space in the bin and increase its capacity is to fold and compress the containers instead of crumpling them. This will make it easier to separate them.


Source of information: Ecoembes.



Green container


Here we should deposit glass bottles (wine, champagne…), glass jars (such as perfumes or colognes) or food jars (jams, preserves, etc.).


Most common mistakes

But just as in the yellow container, you can also find improper waste. Be careful, it is very important to differentiate between glass and crystal! Only glass should go in the green bin. Some common mistakes are made when it is time to recycle light bulbs (which should be taken to the recycling point or to collection centers), and mirrors, ashtrays, glasses and crockery should also be deposited in the same places.

Source of information: Ecoembes.


Organic container


Food waste such as fruit skins, fish bones, plants, egg shells, or grounds, or used paper towels and paper towels should be placed in this container.

The most common mistakes are to deposit non-organic waste such as ceramic objects, diapers, cigarette butts, chewing gum, wet wipes, pet litter, hair, dust, etc.

Source of information: Ecoembes.

In Denia this container has restricted access to residents and second residents through a card associated with the home of the holder of the same. This card can be obtained if you are residents or second residents by going to the Urbaser citizen service office (Avenida Marquesat, 5) and registering, presenting a receipt of payment of the garbage tax.

Recycling not only benefits the environment, but also people and our surroundings. It is a practice that promotes sustainability and allows us to leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Together, we can continue to build a cleaner, greener and more prosperous Dénia!