Challenge of
the month

Join in and participate in these challenges to improve our environment and move towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Every month, you will be given a new challenge. The objective of it is to make a more sustainable and conscious community.

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3rd Challenge
For a cleaner Dénia.

Hello, neighbors/visitors/residents of Dénia! Are you ready for a challenge that will make our beautiful city shine? Join the challenge “For a cleaner Dénia” and help us to keep our streets, beaches and parks free of waste!

We have a challenge for you – will you join the challenge to keep our beautiful city clean? Here are the actions you can take:

1. Deposit your waste in the waste garbage cans:

When you have trash, find a nearby garbage can – leave no trace!

2. Recycle correctly:

Separate your waste in the appropriate recycling garbage cans (paper, plastic, glass, organic) – it’s easy and it makes a difference!

3. Don’t throw waste on the street:

If you can’t find a garbage can, keep your garbage until you can dispose of it properly – don’t litter our home!

4. Keep the beaches clean:

Bring a bag for your waste and pick it up when you leave, let’s make our beaches a clean and beautiful place for everyone!

5. Participate in clean-up days:

Join the clean-up activities organized by the City Council – it’s fun and you make new friends while taking care of your city!

6. Take care of green spaces:

After enjoying the park, make sure you don’t leave litter. Use the garbage cans or containers.

7. Enjoy the natural spaces:

Remember that they must remain as you found them. Do not leave any kind of garbage!

8. Use reusable bags:

Reduce the use of plastic bags. Small changes make a big difference!

9. Don’t throw cigarette butts on the ground:

Use portable ashtrays or dispose of cigarette butts in litter garbage cans. Keep the streets clean and safe!

10. Pick up your pet’s droppings

Always carry a bag to pick up your dog’s waste – be responsible!

11. Share your actions:

Upload photos and videos of your efforts to keep Dénia clean on social networks. Inspire others to join the challenge!


Share your achievements using #Deniafuturista and motivate your friends to join in. Together, we can make Denia a cleaner and more beautiful place for everyone. Take the challenge and make a difference.

Share your experiences with us!

If you have participated in any of our monthly challenges or have ideas to improve Dénia, share your them with us via email

Your commitment inspire and encourage us to work for a better world, let’s do it together!

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