Challenge of
the month

Join in and participate in these challenges to improve our environment and move towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Every month, you will be given a new challenge. The objective of it is to make a more sustainable and conscious community.

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4rd Challenge
Sustainable shopping in Dénia

Hello residents, second residents, tourists and visitors at Dénia! Are you ready for a challenge that will not only rock our local economy, but also be delicious and sustainable? Join our sustainable shopping challenge in Dénia and discover the best of our shops, markets and producers!

Actions to promote the local economy:

1. Shop at our local markets:

Visit our markets and weekly flea markets for fruits, vegetables and other fresh produce. You can search for information at

And as an incentive to buy at the municipal market there is the “Fresquet i bo” campaign: From February 16 to August 27, for every purchase over €10 at any stall in the municipal market, you can enjoy a horchata, a matchamango or a coffee with popcorn by presenting the purchase receipt at the distribution point that will be installed in the Market.

2. Visit local stores:

Shop at small local stores instead of large chains.

3. Choose seasonal products:

Buy for seasonal fruits and vegetables at Dénia markets.

4. Buy fresh fish:

Support local fishermen by buying fresh fish at our fish market ( and fishmongers in Dénia.

5. Come to our restaurants:

Enjoy the gastronomy of Dénia in restaurants that serve local products.

6. Taste our local wine:

Explore the wineries and wine shops of Dénia to enjoy wines from the region.

7. Support local bakeries:

Buy your bread and pastries at bakeries in the neighborhood.

8. Explore local fairs and events:

Attend to food fairs and events to discover new products and support local producers. (

9. Share your discoveries:

Share photos and videos of your local purchases and encourage others to do it.


Take photos every day buying local products or shopping in Dénia and share it at #Deniafuturista. Challenge your friends to join the challenge!

Let’s support and enjoy our beloved Dénia! #Deniafuturista.

Share your experiences with us!

If you have participated in any of our monthly challenges or have ideas to improve Dénia, share your them with us via email

Your commitment inspire and encourage us to work for a better world, let’s do it together!

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