In a world where environmental preservation is becoming increasingly crucial, Dénia stands out as a haven of sustainability and natural beauty for those seeking a memorable vacation with minimal environmental impact.

In Dénia, many experiences await you that you can enjoy in a sustainable way. From relaxing on its beaches to active tourism and leisure activities in nature (on beaches or in other natural environments), enjoy its incredible cuisine with local dishes and local products and so on.


Dénia is faithfully committed to responsible tourism.


One of the main characteristics of a sustainable vacation in Denia is its commitment to responsible tourism and respectful with the environment. We want you to immerse yourself in the wonders of Denia and we show you how to enjoy its beaches in a sustainable way. Knowing the environment and knowing how to preserve it is essential.


What is the coast of Denia like?


Let’s start with a description of our coast. To the north of Dénia, you will find the area of “Les Marines”, home to a variety of beaches that change their name depending on their location. From the city to the north, you will find Punta del Raset, Marines, Bovetes, Els Molins, L’Almadrava and Deveses. Mostly composed of sand. These beaches offer a perfect space to relax and enjoy the sun. However, at L’Almadrava beach, you will find a stretch of pebbles that adds a unique touch to the experience.

In the south, you will find the area of “Les Rotes”, where a first sandy beach is located, called La Marineta Cassiana, followed by rocky coves of great beauty. These are the coves of El Trampolí, Punta Negra and Arenetes. The waters of this area have been declared a Natural Reserve of Los Fondos Marinos del Cabo de San Antonio, due to their high ecological value. Within this Natural Reserve is the Marine Reserve, an area that has even greater protection and begins approximately at the beginning of the rocky coves to the Punta del Cabo de San Antonio. Fishing is prohibited here, and scuba diving requires prior permission due to existing regulations to preserve this unique ecosystem. However, snorkeling is a highly recommended activity, as it allows you to explore the marine life in a respectful way.

To access these rocky beaches, we recommend wearing “crab sandals” to ensure safe and comfortable access. With these precautions, you will be able to fully enjoy the natural beauty that Denia has to offer.

Get ready to immerse yourself in a unique and sustainable coastal paradise!


How to enjoy the beaches of Denia in a sustainable way?


Here are six steps to enjoy the beaches of Dénia in a sustainable way.Respect the natural habitat.

Observe the dunes, do not trample or invade this habitat. These are protected places where the kentish plover, commonly called “corriolet”, breeds and shelters. Enjoy watching these small birds run and fly along the beaches without interfering with their environment.


Recognize the importance of Posidonia Oceanica

When you see what looks like seaweed on the shore, be aware that it is actually Posidonia oceanica, a valuable underwater species that provides oxygen and serves as shelter and food for fish. By learning about its importance, you will learn to appreciate it as the jewel of the Mediterranean that it is.


Keep the beach clean

Avoid throwing litter or cigarette butts, as beach cleaning machines cannot pick them up efficiently, affecting the natural balance of the beach. Deposit waste in the appropriate containers or take it with you until you find a suitable place to dispose of it.


Be considerate of others

If you want to listen to music, use headphones so as not to disturb those seeking to relax on the beach and enjoy the natural environment.


Protect your skin and the marine environment

Use biodegradable or “clean ocean” sunscreens to protect yourself from the sun without harming the marine ecosystem.


Contribute to the conservation of marine life

If you walk around Les Rotes, keep your eyes open for cetaceans such as fin whales, dolphins and sea turtles.

In particular, the fin whale, known as the finback whale, has found a good place to rest and feed in the waters of Les Rotes.

If you see a dolphin, turtle, whale, etc. you can call or send photos and videos by whatsapp to 616 947 579 or by email, communicating what you have seen and where. You will contribute to the study and conservation of cetaceans in our area. In the case of a specimen in trouble, you can call the emergency phone 112 and the rescue protocol will be implemented.

Enjoying the beaches of Denia in a responsible and respectful way with the natural environment means that together we can maintain these beautiful coasts for future generations.