Do you imagine Dénia
in 10 years?

We’ve been thinking about the future of our city
and we wish the best for it.

Do you want to be part of its transformation?

Let’s start! Design  the best version of Dénia .

The best pieces will be the protagonists of the posters that encourages sustainability in Dénia. Your art will flood the streets of our city! Inspiring communities to join together on this journey towards a greener and more auspicious future.

Challenge of the month.
Do you feel like becoming more sustainable? ?

Every month, you will be given a new challenge. The objective of it is to make a more sustainable and conscious community.


Aborda las problemáticas de Dénia en nuestras jornadas de formación y encuestas.
¡Tu opinión y compromiso son fundamentales para construir una comunidad más sostenible!

Face the problems of Dénia with our training sessions and surveys.
Your opinion and commitment are essential for setting up a more sustainable community!


Commitment and participation

Let’s build together a better future for our city

Do you imagine a city where each activity is not only exciting, but also a step towards environmental conservation and social inclusion? It’s time to turn around that vision into reality! We need your help to achieve this.

Join up to our actions and challenges. Share your ideas and efforts. Thus, we will make Dénia an exemplary tourist destination. Your participation is crucial for building a better future.

¡We rely on you!

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