Privacy policy




The City Council of Denia is governed in matters of personal data protection and information security, mainly, by the following regulatory frameworks:

– Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR hereinafter).

– Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD hereinafter).

– Royal Decree 311/2022 of May 3, which regulates the National Security Scheme (ENS hereinafter).

– Organic Law 7/2021, of May 26, on the protection of personal data processed for purposes of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses and execution of criminal sanctions.

– Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, 1982, on the civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and self-image.

– Law 2/2015, of April 2, 2015, on Transparency, Good Governance and Citizen Participation of the Valencian Community.

– Royal Decree-Law 14/2019, of October 31, adopting urgent measures for reasons of public security in matters of digital administration, public sector contracting and telecommunications.

– Specific legislation on Local Administration, especially Law 7/1985, of April 2, 1985, Regulating the Bases of the Local Regime.

– Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.

– Law 40/2015 of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

– Specific legislation applicable to municipal services (tax, urban planning, social services, etc.).

– Regulatory developments, instructions, directives, norms and standards in force at any given time on personal data protection and information security.

Based on the First Additional Provision of LOPDGDD -Security measures in the public sector- this City Council adopts the National Security Scheme as the regulatory framework of reference in terms of security measures applicable in LOPDGDD, in addition to its own general applicability on the services and information of the City Council, whether or not they treat personal data.


PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

Data Controller

Company Name: Dénia City Council

TAX ID: P0306300E

Address: Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant

Telephone: 965780100

Data Protection Delegate

Means of contact with the Data Protection Delegate:


– Instance in person or in Electronic Headquarters, indicating “Delegate of Data Protection”.

Postal mail. Letter (recommended certified, not obligatory) addressed to Dénia Town Hall, Registro de Entrada, Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant, indicating “Delegado de Protección de Datos” (Data Protection Delegate).



Management of administrative procedures and activities carried out by the City Council in the exercise of its powers and duties and whose details are in the Register of Processing Activities.

No automated decisions are made on the basis of profiles.


Data Retention

The data will be retained for the period established by the treatment, the applicable legislation and the requirements applicable to the conservation of information by the Public Administration.


Legitimacy / Applicable Legal Basis

The different municipal procedures and activities entail processing based on different legal bases listed in the GDPR:

Consent of the data subject, when required.
Contractual relationship.
Vital interests of the data subject or other persons.
Exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller and/or compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller.
Development of municipal powers conferred by state and regional legislation regulating the local regime.

Legal bases 4 and 5 include practically all municipal processing, but the rest may be legitimizing and/or complementary in specific processing, in which this circumstance will be specifically indicated in its form (party request) or in its communication (ex officio).



The data may be communicated to the competent public and/or private entities, intervening or necessary for the processing of procedures and/or management of municipal activities, and in the cases provided for by law.

International transfers.

No international data transfers are made. In specific cases where necessary, all actions required by current legislation will be carried out.



You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, portability and (where appropriate) withdrawal of consent. You may also contact the Control Authority to claim your rights.

To exercise these rights, you must address a request to the Responsible for the Processing of personal data, Dénia City Council. This request can be made by:

– Instance in person or at Sede Electrónica, indicating “Exercise of Rights regarding personal data protection” or (if available) the specific procedures for these requests.

– Ordinary mail. Recommended (not mandatory) certified mail, addressed to the Entrance Registry of the City Council of Dénia, Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant.


In all cases, the City Council must verify your identity as the owner of the data, so you must include a copy of a valid document proving your identity (DNI, NIE, Passport). For this verification, the City Council will exercise its power of verification contained in the eighth additional provision of the LOPDGDD. In case of acting as a representative of the interested party, the power of representation granted by the latter must be reliably accredited.

Interested parties may at any time contact the Supervisory Authority, Spanish Data Protection Agency:

Company Name: Dénia City Council

TAX ID: P0306300E

Address: Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant

Telephone: 965780100

Data Protection Delegate

Means of contact with the Data Protection Delegate:

– E-mail:

– Instance in person or in Electronic Headquarters, indicating “Delegate of Data Protection”.

– Postal mail. Letter (recommended certified, not obligatory) addressed to Dénia Town Hall, Registro de Entrada, Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant, indicating “Delegado de Protección de Datos” (Data Protection Delegate).



Management of administrative procedures and activities carried out by the City Council in the exercise of its powers and duties and whose details are in the Register of Processing Activities.

No automated decisions are made on the basis of profiles.


Data Retention

The data will be retained for the period established by the treatment, the applicable legislation and the requirements applicable to the conservation of information by the Public Administration.


Legitimacy / Applicable Legal Basis

The different municipal procedures and activities entail processing based on different legal bases listed in the GDPR:

Consent of the data subject, when required.
Contractual relationship.
Vital interests of the data subject or other persons.
Exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller and/or compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller.
Development of municipal powers conferred by state and regional legislation regulating the local regime.

Legal bases 4 and 5 include practically all municipal processing, but the rest may be legitimizing and/or complementary in specific processing, in which this circumstance will be specifically indicated in its form (party request) or in its communication (ex officio).



The data may be communicated to the competent public and/or private entities, intervening or necessary for the processing of procedures and/or management of municipal activities, and in the cases provided for by law.

International transfers.

No international data transfers are made. In specific cases where necessary, all actions required by current legislation will be carried out.



You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, portability and (where appropriate) withdrawal of consent. You may also contact the Control Authority to claim your rights.

To exercise these rights, you must address a request to the Responsible for the Processing of personal data, Dénia City Council. This request can be made by:

– Instance in person or at Sede Electrónica, indicating “Exercise of Rights regarding personal data protection” or (if available) the specific procedures for these requests.

– Ordinary mail. Recommended (not mandatory) certified mail, addressed to the Entrance Registry of the City Council of Dénia, Plaça de la Constitució, 10, 03700 Dénia, Alacant.


In all cases, the City Council must verify your identity as the owner of the data, so you must include a copy of a valid document proving your identity (DNI, NIE, Passport). For this verification, the City Council will exercise its power of verification contained in the eighth additional provision of the LOPDGDD. In case of acting as a representative of the interested party, the power of representation granted by the latter must be reliably accredited.

Interested parties may at any time contact the Supervisory Authority, Spanish Data Protection Agency: