Dénia is committed to sustainability in all its areas of work. Aware of the importance of the participation and involvement of all those who live, work or visit our town we want to facilitate all those actions that involve and entail a benefit to our environment.

That is why in Denia we offer various means to recycle all those waste that can be generated in order that these are deposited in the places that correspond to them to be able to recycle, recover or reuse the highest possible percentage of them.


Means to recycle waste


Waste, paper, packaging and glass containers


In Denia there are multiple containers, both subway containers and containers in the streets. We usually find gray containers (waste), yellow (plastic containers, cans and metal containers), blue (paper and cardboard) as well as green containers (glass). You can find out the correct way to use these containers in our blog Be sustainable and recycle (here you will link to the blog so that people can read it).


The brown container and how to use it

If you still don’t know how the brown garbage can works, you’re in luck. Keep reading this blog and you will find out.

The brown contaier is the one you should use for organic waste.

This container has restricted access to residents and second residents through a card associated with the home of the holder of this.

You can get this card if you are a resident or second resident by going to the Urbaser citizen service office, located at Avenida Marquesat number 5, and registering, presenting a receipt of payment of the garbage tax.


Why is the container restricted access?

The purpose of this container is to transform organic waste into compost to be used as fertilizer or energy generator, that is why it is very important that all the waste that is deposited in the container is the correct one.

What should we throw in the brown container?

Only organic waste (leftover fruit, vegetables, meat and fish; eggshells, shellfish and nuts; bread, pastry and other food waste; remains of small houseplants; coffee grounds and tea bags; used napkins and paper towels) can be deposited in the compost bin. These should be placed in compostable bags, not plastic bags, so that they can be used as part of the compost.

Remember not to throw cooking oil, sauces and cooking liquids, diapers, wipes and sanitary napkins, cigarette butts, chewing gum, plastic bags or vegetable waste in large quantities, or any other type of waste in this container.

Furniture and junk collection service at home


This service is intended to prevent bulky objects from ending up in the containers, as well as to help those people who cannot come to the Ecopark. It can be requested by anyone who lives or has a home in the municipality.

To make use of this service you only have to call 96 643 11 54, indicate what you want to remove and we will come to your house.

When you leave the furniture on the street, remember to identify that it is for removal of the City Council.

The schedule of notices is:

  • Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00h.
  • Saturdays from 09:00 to 13:00h.


Ecopark Service


An ecopark is a selective collection facility whose objective is to manage waste that, due to its characteristics, cannot be treated like the rest of the domestic waste. In the ecopark we can dispose of the following types of waste:

  • Large waste: such as old furniture, used mattresses, debris or tires.
  • Electronic waste: from large or small household appliances.
  • Potentially hazardous waste: batteries, vegetable and motor oils or fluorescent tubes.
  • Waste requiring specific treatment: X-rays, clothing and footwear.
  • In addition to the usual containers that we can find in our streets for paper and cardboard, glass and containers.

The use of the Ecoparque is free for individuals and companies in Denia.

You can find the Ecoparque in the Polígono Madrigueres. Specifically, on the road to the Cemetery, next to the Fallas warehouses. There you will find staff who will tell you where to deposit each waste. At the entrance we will ask you for the data to be able to have a control of the use that is given to the installation, as well as to be able to obtain a database of the waste generated and based on this to develop actions of improvement and awareness.

The hours of access to the Ecopark are:

  • Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. uninterruptedly.
  • Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In case you can not move to this facility we also have a mobile Ecoparque, which every day, except Sunday, from 8 to 13 hours, is installed in a different location in the municipality.

  • Monday – Torrecremada street market.
  • Tuesday – Mirarrosa Street.
  • Wednesday – Elx Street.
  • Thursday – La Xara and Jesús Pobre (fortnightly).
  • Friday – La Via Street.
  • Saturday – Camí Sant Joan.

The waste you can deposit here are fluorescents, aerosols, electrical appliances and small appliances, paints, televisions, kitchen utensils, glass, porcelain and ceramics, bulky (armchairs, washing machines, chairs …), light packaging, glass, paper and cardboard, cell phones, batteries, toner, light bulbs, CDs and DVDs, mineral oil and vegetable oil.

ecoparque movil

Fotografía: Viu i conviu.



Mini clean points


Through the mini clean points that you will find distributed throughout the city of Denia, the selective collection of those wastes that do not go to the usual containers that we have in the street and that sometimes should go to the Ecopark is even closer. In this way, the correct deposit of this waste in its corresponding place is facilitated. They consist of supports, similar to mupis, which are designed to deposit small solid domestic waste that can be recycled and reused. They have different openings, depending on the type of waste: coffee capsules, printer cartridges, plastic caps, eyeglasses, batteries, light bulbs, telephones and chargers.

At different points of the destination you will also find containers for clothes, used oil, as well as garbage cans for chewing gum.




punto limpio denia - denia futurista- reciclar


punto limpio denia - denia futurista- reciclar

Green waste collection points


These are large containers where you can deposit, as a user and non-professional, the vegetable, pruning and gardening waste, among others, that you may generate. These are distributed throughout the municipality and you can use them at any time.

The places where you can find them are the following:

In the Montgó

  • Bosc de Diana (Camí de Sant Joan), at the intersection of Camí de les Alqueries and Camí de Sant Joan.
  • Camí del Pou de la Muntanya.
  • Camí Vell Alt Dénia-Xàbia (Pitxers) with Cacauet street.
  • Teseu street parking.
  • Corònide Street.
  • Plana d’Elies with Artemis street.

In Les Marines

  • In Les Marines road with Donzella street.
  • Assagador de la Marjal with Bogavant street.
  • Nova Dénia, on the Marines road with Oceà Pacífic.
  • Les Deveses, on the Marines road with Riu Marjal.

In Les Rotes

  • La Raconà, next to Barranc del Monyo and Camí de la Raconà.
  • In Aquari street.


Selective garbage collection service “Door to Door”.

The “Door to Door” selective garbage collection service is enabled mainly for food companies in the tourist sector that are located in the areas of Les Roques, Baix La Mar, Jesús Pobre and La Xara, such as, for example, the different bars and restaurants.

Now that you have all the means at your disposal, recycling and being responsible with the environment is up to you.

Help us to build a cleaner and more sustainable Dénia!